Arkonstructs Web Services
Case Study

How HomeStars and Houzz profiles can 10X your website and online brand

Raakss Reno, a contractor that specializes in bathroom, kitchen, and basement renovationsserves the Greater Toronto Area. 

Web Design Services

Branding Guideline,  Mobile and Desktop Responsive Website Design, Local-SEO Optimization, and Paid Ads.

Project Overview

Our Mission

For over two decades, Raakss Reno has been a leader in kitchen, bathroom, and basement renovations. Facing a challenging economic climate, they needed a strategy to enhance their digital footprint and attract more clients. Arkonstructs stepped in to transform Raakss Reno's online presence by integrating their website with HomeStars and Houzz profiles, leveraging these platforms to improve SEO and user engagement.

Hero section for Raakss Reno, designed by Arkonstructs
Hero section for Raakss Reno. Clearly outlines what he does, where he offers his services, and the HomeStars + Houzz ratings to further include credibility. The images on the right are a slideshow of some of his best work.

The overarching goal of the digital transformation for Raakss Reno was to enhance their online presence in order to drive more traffic, increase customer engagement, and ultimately boost business growth. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the specific objectives we aimed to achieve through this project:

1. Increase Online Visibility and Traffic

  • Objective: Significantly enhance Raakss Reno’s search engine rankings through optimized SEO practices and the strategic use of HomeStars and Houzz profiles. The aim was to make Raakss Reno more discoverable to potential clients searching for renovation services online.

2. Strengthen Brand Credibility and Trust

  • Objective: Establish and solidify Raakss Reno’s reputation as a leading renovation contractor by highlighting their extensive experience (over 20 years in the industry), showcasing their high customer satisfaction ratings (an average of 9.7/10), and presenting a wealth of positive reviews. This was to reassure potential clients of the quality and reliability of Raakss Reno’s services.

3. Enhance User Experience (UX) on the Website

  • Objective: Develop a user-friendly website that provides potential clients with an easy and informative browsing experience. This included creating a structured layout with dedicated service pages, a compelling homepage as a landing page, and a comprehensive FAQ section to address common customer questions and concerns.

4. Generate Leads and Increase Conversions

  • Objective: Convert website visitors into leads and ultimately customers by implementing effective calls to action (CTAs) throughout the site. Each service page and the homepage were designed to guide users towards contacting Raakss Reno for quotes, which directly supports lead generation efforts.

5. Showcase Expertise and Quality of Work

  • Objective: Demonstrate Raakss Reno’s expertise and the quality of their work through detailed service pages, a portfolio gallery, and real-life testimonials linked to specific projects. This was intended to visually and textually communicate the high standards of Raakss Reno’s renovation projects.

6. Create a Sustainable Digital Marketing Strategy

  • Objective: Lay the foundation for ongoing digital marketing efforts that can be adjusted and scaled over time. This includes the continuous optimization of SEO, regular updates to the website content to keep it fresh and relevant, and the use of analytics to track performance and make data-driven decisions for future marketing strategies.

By achieving these objectives, Arkonstructs aimed to position Raakss Reno not only as a top choice for potential clients but also as a leader in the digital space within the renovation industry. This strategic digital transformation was designed to create a lasting impact, driving continuous growth and success for Raakss Reno.

Raakss Reno's Kitchen renovations page designed by Arkonstructs
On each individual service's page, we made sure to optimize it for each specific service offered.
Challenges & Pain Points

Raakss Reno faced a significant challenge: the economic downturn and rising interest rates were making it increasingly difficult to attract clients. The need for an alternative source of traffic was evident, and that’s where Arkonstructs stepped in, recognizing the untapped potential of leveraging HomeStars and Houzz profiles in conjunction with a well-optimized website.

The Arkonstructs Solution: Connecting HomeStars and Houzz

Arkonstructs’ strategy was multifaceted: build a website that not only stands out but is also fully integrated with Raakss Reno’s HomeStars and Houzz profiles. This integration meant more than just additional links; it was about creating a cohesive online ecosystem that enhances SEO and drives traffic.

  • Website Development: We crafted a website that included a Home page, About Us, a Portfolio, and dedicated pages for each of the services offered: kitchen renovations, bathroom renovations, and basement renovations. Splitting the services into individual pages was a strategic SEO decision, making it easier for potential customers to find Raakss Reno for their specific renovation needs. Explore our portfolio of projects to see the breadth of our capabilities.
  • Enhanced Credibility through Reviews and Experience: By integrating HomeStars and Houzz reviews and ratings directly into the site, we bolstered Raakss Reno’s credibility. Highlighting that Raakss Reno has been a trusted name in renovations for over 20 years, with more than 145 reviews and an impressive average rating of 9.7/10, further solidified their reputation as industry leaders.
  • SEO Optimization: The new website was fully optimized for search engines. By tagging Raakss Reno’s HomeStars and Houzz profiles and incorporating their ratings and testimonials directly on the site, we not only boosted the website’s SEO but also its credibility and trustworthiness. Learn more about our SEO strategies in our case studies, including successful paid ads campaigns and digital transformations for roofing companies.
  • Google Business Profile: Establishing a Google Business Profile further amplified Raakss Reno’s visibility, making it easier for local clients to discover their services. This, combined with the website and profiles on HomeStars and Houzz, created a powerful online presence that stands out in search results.
Raakss Reno matching testimonials with the project
We made sure to match the job that was completed with the review, so that potential customers can visualize what type of work was done, and how it was to work with Raakss Reno.

Implementation: Building a website and uplifting it with HomeStars

1. Homepage Design as a Central Hub

The homepage of Raakss Reno’s website was strategically designed to function as an engaging landing page, crucial for capturing the attention of potential clients right from the start. Here’s how we implemented the features:

  • Engaging Content: The page includes succinct descriptions of the company under an “About Us” section, which immediately establishes their expertise and long-standing reputation in the renovation industry.
  • Showcasing Ratings and Reviews: Prominently displayed ratings from HomeStars and Houzz affirm credibility and trust, encouraging visitors to explore further.
  • Highlighted Projects: A carefully curated selection of Raakss Reno’s best projects offers visual proof of their craftsmanship and attention to detail, enhancing the visual appeal of the page.
  • Testimonials: Customer testimonials from HomeStars are integrated throughout the page, providing first-hand accounts of customer satisfaction and quality of work.
  • Call to Action (CTA): A prominent CTA at the bottom of the page invites visitors to contact Raakss Reno for a quote, making the next step clear and easy.
  • FAQ Section: Positioned at the footer, the FAQ section addresses common inquiries, alleviating doubts and reinforcing the decision-making process for potential clients.

2. Services Pages for Detailed Exploration

Each service offered by Raakss Reno—kitchen, bathroom, and basement renovations—received its own dedicated page to provide detailed information tailored to specific customer needs:

  • Individual Service Pages: Splitting the services into separate pages allows for a focused SEO strategy and helps potential clients find exactly what they’re looking for more easily.
  • Project Testimonials and Images: Each page features a testimonial linked to a corresponding project image, illustrating the transformation and detailing the specific services provided.
  • Service Breakdown: The pages dive deeper into what Raakss provides for each type of renovation, from initial design to final touches, thereby educating potential clients on the process and outcomes.
  • Gallery of Completed Work: A visual gallery at the bottom of each service page showcases completed projects, further demonstrating Raakss Reno’s expertise and range of capabilities.
  • End-Page CTA: A final CTA on each service page encourages visitors to reach out for a quote, effectively converting interest into action.

This methodical approach in the implementation of the website not only enhanced Raakss Reno’s online presence but also streamlined the user experience, making it simple for visitors to navigate, understand the services offered, and take the next step towards beginning their renovation project.

Raakss Reno Projects Page designed by Arkonstructs
We made sure to highlight key projects on the home page, so that potential customers can see their top work. A link to the projects page is also included to drive people to see more of the work that Raakss has completed.
Results & Impact

The results were nothing short of remarkable. Raakss Reno experienced a significant uptick in traffic, leads, and client engagement. The strategic use of HomeStars and Houzz profiles, coupled with a user-friendly, SEO-optimized website, positioned Raakss Reno as a top choice for renovation projects. Success stories like transforming short-term rentals further illustrate the impact of a well-rounded digital presence.


Raakss Reno Testimonials through homestars by Arkonstructs
We made sure to grab the reviews that Raakss had through HomeStars to establish credibility.
Conclusion & Next Steps

For contractors like Raakss Reno, navigating an economic downturn requires more than just a digital presence; it requires a strategic, well-integrated approach that leverages the full spectrum of online platforms. Connecting HomeStars and Houzz profiles with your website is not just about linking different platforms; it’s about creating a cohesive, comprehensive online identity that boosts traffic, enhances SEO, and drives business growth.

Ready to supercharge your online presence? Arkonstructs is your partner in building a digital ecosystem that connects, engages, and converts. Whether it’s through meticulous website design, strategic SEO, or leveraging digital platforms, we’re here to help you thrive in the digital age. Reach out today and start your journey towards a supercharged online presence.

Looking to build a website similar with us? Contact us here!